#WinslowWay Conditioning Camp

New York City 2015 | Summer Session** | Saturdays at 9AM 

Designed to prepare bodies for quick adjustments and adaptation to exercise and the functional movements of daily life. Suited for beginners, exercise enthusiasts and advanced athletes alike, #WinslowWay Conditioning Camp is a fun, total body experience that incorporates calisthenics, run/speed training, plyometrics, and dynamic recovery strategies.

Location: Prospect Park, Brooklyn*

Cost: $28 US    Buy Now Button

*Depending on enrollment demographic, camp may take place in Manhattan at Central Park.

**Summer Session begins Saturday, June 6th and continues every Saturday morning unless otherwise noted.

June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 11
July 18
July 25
August 1

***Athletes must prepay to reserve; 24HR cancellation policy in effect. In PayPal or Chase QuickPay message, note date of reservation and preferred location: Prospect Park, BK OR Central Park, NYC. Any questions, please email Andia@AndiaWinslow.com

