Summer is here, finally! Whether you experience the extreme desert heat of Arizona or the oppressive humidity of New York City, here are a few tips to keep cool as your workouts heat up:
– Moisture wicking tops, shorts and gear – always!
– Cold towel or compress on the back of your neck before, between bouts or post-workout.
– Hydration! Prior to workout, during and post. Sip water slowly and at room temperature. Remember, dehydration prevents the body from properly regulating temperature.
– Avoid super hot conditions by working out indoors or during cooler periods of the day.
– If the workout falls on the morning after a fun night on the town, try not to drink any or as much alcohol.
– Regulate heart rate: Slow diaphragmatic breathing, close eyes, hands interlaced resting above head or hands on hips to open up chest cavity and encourage oxygen exchange.
– Slow and steady:
1/ break when needed, there is no shame in rest + recovery
2/ don’t try the hardest workout of the year as you’re first entering into the new season’s higher temps
3/ work within your personal limits and avoid comparison to workout buddies or classmates who may be better conditioned or apt to handling heat.
Get hot, stay cool! –Andia