Hope that you’ll be able to take part in these upcoming events:
Please join me for my NFL Superbowl XLIX inspired Winter Workout. Score with moves that were curated to take you from the 10 Yard Line to the End Zone. 1st live event in New York City on Saturday, January 17th at 8:00AM. FREE! #Touchdown10
RSVP: Email Andia@AndiaWinslow.com or Call Athleta Flatiron 212.929.0512.
Inspired by my family: Kellen Winslow Sr., NFL HOF TE + Kellen Winslow Jr., NFL Pro Bowl TE
Excited to announce that I’ll Co-Chair the “Open Your Heart” Committee for the American Heart Association, Brooklyn Chapter. Join me for my first food and fitness fundraising event of the year on Saturday, January 24th at Mile High Run Club in New York City. If you’re unable to make it out in person, you can still support the research and prevention of heart disease, the number one killer of women. Consider donating: HERE! #GoRed
February is the shortest month of the year but it just might be the fittest. Have you honored your New Year’s dietary and exercise resolutions? Whether you have or whether you haven’t, I’ve got just the treat for you! A cool take on “abs are made in the kitchen,” I’m honored to present to you my newest fitness video –a collaboration with Monique Walton and the American Heart Association– Kitchen Workout. If you need encouragement of the daily variety, I’m excited to join new online outfit BK Nation as a wellness blogger and February #BKN28 Fitness Challenge Captain. There you’ll find my blog, “The Write Fit,” in which I offer exercise tips, workout videos, giveaways and more. And if you prefer TV, I’ll be joining you every Tuesday at noon as a Sports Segment host on BK LIVE.
Why all of the health and sport talk, you ask? Because! On February 2nd, this team from my home town met this other team from my dad’s home town. The result? Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl for the first time in franchise history! It’s American Heart Month; the 50th Anniversary in fact. February 5th is National Girls and Women in Sports Day, championed by one of my favorite organizations, the Women’s Sports Foundation. February 7th is National Wear Day — a day that celebrates heart disease prevention awareness. And February 7th is also the start of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. Faster, Higher, Stronger! What a day it will be. RED, white and blue speeding all over the place!
For those of you who recall my time training for the Olympics in the sport of Skeleton, I’ve helped to design an Olympic themed workout with the editors of popular app and website DailyBurn. You can bet it will challenge all of your senses, especially common sense, if you accept the challenge! If you want to work out with me in person in New York City, I’ve developed a dynamic sand and alternative resistance training class called Manhattan Beach Workout. Talk about getting ready for Summer with plenty of time to spare!
DailyBurn | Expert Contributor, Workout Design | FEB 2014
Oh, one more thing. We’ve been nominated for a Shorty Award in #SocialFitness! This online award recognizes people who “help others make healthy choices in their lives through their influence on social media.” If you’d like to vote, you can do so via Twitter by tweeting: “I nominate @AndiaWinslow for a Shorty Award in #SocialFitness because…” Be certain to write in your reason after “because…” or the vote won’t count. Thank you for your continued support!