[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cglZTivOohM&w=560&h=315]Dear Universe,
The family that plays together stays together! That’s what I was taught growing up. Well, not in so many words but it was implied. We cycled. We rock climbed. We meandered through parks and swam in brooks. We visited museums. We crafted and designed. We explored. We played, together. And we still do. (Side bar: I wanted to grow up to be Pippi Longstocking, just not the [semi]orphan part.) And play is what I strive to do every day — even now. With friends’ kids, with neighborhood kids, with tall kids, with small kids, with folks trying to find their inner kid. It moves me.
Enter the twins: Theo and Lily. What energy, what color! Theodor “Dr. Seuss” Geisel’s Thing 1 and Thing 2, naturally. That makes me, you know, “the Cat in the hat.” And by “hat” read voluminous Afro. But too is a retreat to “conjunction junction what’s your function?” with SchoolHouse Rock!, sunny day(s) “sweepin’ the clouds away” on Sesame Street, after-school specials, “The More You Know” PSAs and other programming of childhood yore.
Before mobile devices, WE were the mobile devices. Devising mobility. Mobile in our devicedness. (Yes, I coined a word just as my nine year old self would have, with pride.) Hopping, beeping, buzzing. Hunting and gathering activity. Imagining moves. Just as I do now. So here’s to youth, to creativity, to fun, to family, to exercise –played together. Get it in where you can fit it in.
You know where to find me,
But that’s only part of the story. Here’s how it all began:
Querido Spanish Harlem,
You keep me up at night. I mean, you really keep me up at night. Why is the dog barking? Why is la música blaring? Take your lovers’ quarrel inside! Put those kids to bed! But then, if I don’t fight it, I count the beats instead of sheep and you comfort me. Your heartbeat becomes my own and soothes me into deep sleep.
Morning. No alarm. You jostle me awake, rudely at times, and I cut my eyes at you. But it’s only fleeting because I feel lucky to wake up to you. You inspire me. Your legacy, your sabor, your passion – en fuego! Your energy is palpable and I covet it on days when I’m away too long. You coo at me on the street and welcome me home. “¡Oye mami!” Yes, I see you, you have a blessed day too!
You dance and parade with me, share your wares with me, feed me and it tastes so good. We’ve broken bread together and you’ve watched my back. Now it’s my turn. The Fit Cycle is for you El Barrio, all of you. A movie and a MOVEment. I’ve made my declaration, this is my dedication.
You know where to find me,
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xrkWR7Qjes?rel=0&w=560&h=315]